Author: Christian Wachter
Christian Wachter – What does Islam encompass? How can we portray the religion without essentializing it and without excluding the vast array of perspectives other than the canon of theological doctrines or Western viewpoints? How should this multifaceted portrayal be captured in a book? What narratives come into play, and how do they logically interconnect? Shahzad’s online book A New Vision for Islamic Pasts and Futures ventures into these inquiries, expanding our perception of Islam and redefining our concept of a book’s potential.
Christian Wachter – “Design is making sense of things.” Klaus Krippendorff makes this statement to emphasize that designing communicative objects has far-reaching consequences. Design impacts on the messages, meanings, and knowledge to be communicated. It is Krippendorff’s interpretation of a basic position well-known in media and communication studies: ‘Design’ is primarily considered ‘expressive’ rather than ‘aesthetically appealing’.
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Christian Wachter – „Design is making sense of things“. Mit dieser Formel hat Klaus Krippendorff seine Lesart einer in den Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften verbreiteten Auffassung ausgedrückt, wonach sich die Gestaltung kommunikativer Gegenstände wesentlich auf die vermittelten Inhalte, Bedeutungen, auf Wissen auswirkt. Hier geht es nicht um ansprechendes Design, sondern um ‚aussprechendes‘ Design.