Shame and History
Bennett Gilbert – We are inside of history; we are history in the becoming. We need to learn from the past, but we do not. Why do we hide history? Why does the power of the past to connect us to others often fail?
Bennett Gilbert – We are inside of history; we are history in the becoming. We need to learn from the past, but we do not. Why do we hide history? Why does the power of the past to connect us to others often fail?
Editorial Board – How does this object demonstrate the interweaving of theory and empirical evidence in historical research?
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Koselleck 100
Ethan Kleinberg – Consider the Komposita “KoselleckConceptGhost” (Koselleckbegriffgespenst). The agglutination is not stable, and it is unclear which term should lead the way. If it is Koselleck, or Koselleck’s ghost, that leads, then the injunction is to investigate the semantic value of the word “ghost” to determine whether there has been a change in its valence and significance over time.
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Giuseppe Duso – There are times when an image can be particularly poignant for communicating a vision of politics because it not only “speaks” to the observer, but also almost seems to express a theoretical argument.
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Koselleck 100
Victor Neumann – Translation from German into Romanian requires terminological equivalences for two national communities with different linguistic origins, heritages, and cultural landmarks, and which live in different temporalities. Since the meaning of modernity is different, translating a fundamental concept into Romanian requires contextualization and an understanding of its meaning in both languages. Translating Koselleck requires motivating the reader, inviting them to become a co-discoverer of the other’s past and present and their own, as well as to encounter the personal experience and memory of the historian.
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Victor Neumann – Traducerea din limba germană în limba română necesită echivalări terminologice pentru două comunități naționale avînd origini lingvistice diferite, moșteniri și repere culturale diferite și trăind în temporalități diferite. Fiind vorba de un înțeles diferit al ideii de modernitate, traducerea în limba română a unui concept fundamental înseamnă informare, contextualizare, o înțelegere a semnificației lui în ambele limbi. Cît privește traducerea lui Koselleck, aceasta necesită motivarea cititorului, asocierea lui în calitate de co-descoperitor al trecutului și al prezentului celuilalt și al său propriu, familiarizarea cu experiența personală și memoria istoricului.
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Jeffrey Andrew Barash – In 1982 I took the initiative to write to Reinhart Koselleck, although I had never met him, to ask if he would be willing to serve as the sponsor of my application for an Alexander von Humboldt-Fellowship. I had just defended my doctoral dissertation at the University of Chicago, entitled Martin Heidegger and the Problem of Historical Meaning, and I returned to Paris to apply for grants that would permit me to rewrite my thesis for publication as a book. Upon receiving my letter, Koselleck kindly invited me to give a talk in Bielefeld on a topic of my choice.
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Federico Marcon – An investigation into the semantic value of “fascism” immediately presents the paradox of a term that confronts us, on the one hand, with connotative clarity—everybody instinctively understands that it means something bad—and, on the other, with a bewildering excess of meanings. Its polysemy is an embarrassment for historical semantics, which strives to contain and order its content, as it is for the practitioners of Begriffsgeschichte, who attempt to register its variations from a core meaning that “fascism” does not have.
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Margrit Pernau – Koselleck’s metaphor of the layers of sedimentation (Zeitschichten) was and continues to be one of his most productive ideas. Instead of assuming a neat division between the past and the present, this metaphor allows to explore ways in which the past retains its presence in the present. Like in the process of sedimentation – Koselleck here draws on geological knowledge – older layers of history never disappear, but get overlaid by newer deposits. Koselleck’s metaphor has repeatedly translated into visuals.
Philipp McLean – The argument unfolded by Lisa Regazzoni in her contribution And If History Were to Turn Its Back on the Future? A Thought-provoking Interjection, which questions the clear intentional and controllable connection between past and future, also opens up significant problems for learning from history. As a conceivable solution to this problem, the negative reference to history(s) is proposed here in order to reflectively derive from history(s) which social conditions should be avoided in the future; without, however, predicting these very developments with teleological certainty or assuming an inevitable development with regard to the improvement of freedom possibilities.
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