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Theory of History in Media

This section addresses artefacts and their relationship to theory of history. Pictures, music, buildings, cuisine, sculptures, installations and films can convey approaches to theory of history in a unique and convincing way. In some cases, the reference is explicit, in others it remains implicit or occurs by chance. Artefacts have the power to change our view of theories. They can broaden it or unsettle it. Can they in fact produce theories of their own that cannot be grasped linguistically (alone) but become palpable and understood via sight, hearing, smell, touch or taste?
We invite you to present artefacts in this section in the form of illustrations, sound clips or film clips. The blog posting should describe the relationship of the artefact to theory of history:

  • What theory of history is perceptible with the artefact? What theoretical references can be identified?
  • How do I perceive theory through the artefact? Which of the senses are involved?
  • To what extent does the artefact broaden or unsettle our understanding of theory of history?
  • Does the artefact generate its own theory or theoretical questions?
  • What new questions are raised by the artefact, e.g., in terms of temporality or mediality?